Britech College | Resources




1.     An expression which calculates the value of a cell. 
2.     Predefined formulas and are already available in Excel.
3.     An excel function that will help clean up excess whitespaces.
4.     An excel function that will give you how many cells given range contains numbers.
5.     An excel function that will give you the number of cells in a given range that contain characters such as numbers, text, or symbols.
6.     An excel function that will count the number of characters in a single cell
7.     Takes data from two cells and turns it into one.   
8.     To know the number of days between two dates in a spreadsheet.
9.     Know how many work days that range encompasses.
10.  Gives you the square root.
11.  See the current date and time whenever you open a particular worksheet.
12.  Lets you search for specific information in your spreadsheet.

I.                  Formula writing. Write the formula beside each number.  2 points each.
1.      Combine the value in A5 and A6

2.      Give the average from A4 TO A13

3.      Get the length of characters in A6

4.      Get the first 3 letters in A9

5.      Give the sum from A5 TO A20

6.      Give the square root of A4

7.      Round the number in A4 up to 4 digits

8.      Give the maximum value from A6 TO A25

9.      Display the current day and time

10.   Count the number of values in A16 TO A29 (including letters)

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